Top 10 Websites for Architecture Students to Follow

Carmen Polanco

October 25, 2023

Carmen Polanco

The field of architecture is a fascinating blend of creativity, technical knowledge, and aesthetic sensibility. Architecture students are constantly seeking sources of inspiration, information, and guidance to help them excel in their studies and future careers. In the digital age, the internet has become an invaluable resource for architecture students, offering a wealth of information and inspiration at their fingertips. In this article, we’ll explore the top 10 websites that architecture students should follow to enrich their education, stay updated on industry trends, and foster their creative growth.

ArchDaily – A Hub for Architectural Inspiration

ArchDaily is a go-to platform for architecture students. It features a vast collection of architectural projects, news, and articles. With its user-friendly interface, students can explore a diverse range of architectural styles, designs, and innovative concepts. ArchDaily also offers daily newsletters, job postings, and competition announcements, making it an essential resource for staying informed about the latest trends in architecture.

Dezeen – Where Architecture Meets Design

Dezeen is a well-respected online publication that covers not only architecture but also interior design, product design, and more. For architecture students, Dezeen offers an excellent opportunity to explore the intersection of architecture with other design disciplines. Its extensive library of articles and videos provides insight into both historical and contemporary architectural achievements.

The American Institute of Architects (AIA) – A Professional Network

The American Institute of Architects is a reputable organization dedicated to advancing the profession of architecture. Their website serves as an invaluable resource for students looking to stay connected with the industry. AIA provides educational resources, webinars, and access to architectural journals and publications. It’s an excellent platform for architecture students to network and get involved in the professional community.

Archinect – Connecting Students to Opportunities

Archinect is a versatile platform that offers job listings, news, and a forum for discussions related to architecture. This website is particularly helpful for students looking to find internships, entry-level positions, or scholarships. Archinect also hosts an informative podcast series, making it a fantastic resource for staying updated on industry trends and opportunities.

The Skyscraper Center – Tapping into Vertical Design

Skyscrapers have long been a symbol of architectural prowess and innovation. The Skyscraper Center, curated by the Council on Tall Buildings and Urban Habitat (CTBUH), is the perfect website for students with a keen interest in vertical design. It provides comprehensive data, images, and insights into skyscrapers from around the world. This resource is ideal for students looking to delve into the intricate world of high-rise architecture.

Architizer – A Platform for Building Professionals

Architizer is a unique platform that connects architects, designers, and building professionals. The website offers a collection of project portfolios, product catalogs, and an expansive database of building materials. For students interested in the practical aspects of architecture. Architizer is a valuable resource for sourcing building products and exploring cutting-edge design solutions.

World Architecture Community – A Global Perspective

Architecture is a universal language, and the World Architecture Community brings a global perspective to the forefront. This website serves as a hub for architects, students, and enthusiasts from all over the world to share their projects and ideas. Students can gain insights into diverse architectural styles and cultural influences, making it a source of inspiration for their own work.

The Royal Institute of British Architects (RIBA) – A Wealth of Educational Resources

The Royal Institute of British Architects, RIBA, is a respected institution in the world of architecture. Its website provides an abundance of educational resources, including lectures, exhibitions, and publications. Students can access RIBA’s vast library, making it an excellent source for research and academic support.

BLDGBLOG – Unconventional Insights into Architecture

BLDGBLOG is an unconventional and thought-provoking architecture blog that explores the intersections of architecture, urban planning, and the built environment. For students seeking to expand their horizons and engage in discussions about the future of architecture. BLDGBLOG offers a unique perspective that challenges traditional notions.

In today’s digital age, architecture students have a wealth of online resources at their disposal to support their education and inspire their creativity. The top 10 websites listed above cater to a range of interests within the field, from design and innovation to job opportunities and educational resources. By following these websites, architecture students can stay connected with the latest industry trends, access educational materials, and network with professionals and enthusiasts from around the world. The internet has truly opened up a world of possibilities for aspiring architects, and these websites are key to navigating the ever-evolving landscape of architecture education.