Photo Projects You Can Do From Home Or on the Go

Carmen Polanco

May 7, 2023


Photo projects can be a great way to sharpen your skills, learn new techniques, and even reignite your creativity when stuck in a slump. Whether you’re looking to tackle these projects at home or on the go, here are some ideas for your next photographic journey:

Capture everyday moments that tell a meaningful story. For example, photograph people offering wisdom or a fresh perspective.


Focusing on a single subject can be a great way to build your skills. Find a topic you love and work on it to make amazing photos.

A self-portrait is one of the most popular photography projects you can do at home. Some people think it’s narcissistic, but it’s an excellent way to improve your photography and explore your emotions in a safe space.

Another excellent photo project to try at home is a flat lay. This type of photograph is composed of many items on a surface, shot from directly above. Use plastic wrap, tulle, or other household materials to achieve different effects. Ensure the lighting is proper and capture various angles and perspectives. This will help create a sense of movement in your image.


The most creative photography projects are only sometimes the ones that require you to travel or take pictures of beautiful scenery. Instead, they’re the ones that challenge you to think differently about everyday objects and scenes.

For example, try taking photos of feathers to showcase their shape and texture. Or, capture your pets lazily lounging around for a cute portrait. You can also use a dark background to create a silhouette photo.

Another great idea is water droplet photography. While this requires a high-speed shutter speed and some specialized equipment, it’s easy to do from home. Elevate a sheet of glass and slip an interesting backdrop beneath it. Then, shoot your drops from various angles and perspectives. The results can be stunning! You can even switch out the backgrounds every time for a new look.

Food Landscaping

Foodscaping is a garden design that focuses on incorporating plants that are aesthetically pleasing and edible. It is a fun alternative to regular landscaping that is perfect for people with limited outdoor space, restrictive HOA covenants, or needing more traditional ornamental plants.

Photographing vegetables can be a great way to get creative with your camera. Play with different textures, shapes, and colors to create an eye-catching image. Consider using a decorative bottle of olive oil to add a pop of color or glycerin to water to recreate the appearance of morning dew (be sure to toss it when you’re done, as it can be toxic).

You can also try backlighting or placing your veggies in the lower third of the frame to create a balanced composition.


Symmetry is a powerful composition technique that can make even the simplest objects and landscapes eye-catching. You can practice this technique with various photo subjects, including still lifes, portraits, landscapes, and street photography.

One of the easiest ways to experiment with symmetry is with reflections. This type of symmetry involves using a reflective surface like a mirror or lake to create an identical image on either side.

You can use a lake near your home or look for other reflective surfaces with which you can take photos, like a puddle or building. Just remember that you’ll need to frame the image so that the symmetrical line is centered in the frame rather than on the left or right of it.


One of the most popular photo projects involves bokeh. Bokeh refers to the blurry circles of light that appear in a shallow depth of field, creating a soft aesthetic that’s pleasing to the eye.

Natural subjects like grass and flowers often show pleasing bokeh, as the soft circles contrast with the sharp blades of the plant. Other natural elements, such as water and cloudy skies, can look nice with bokeh, too.

Artificial objects also make great subjects for bokeh. Traffic and street lights, Christmas or other holiday lights, and even a simple string of lights can all create beautiful bokeh effects. You can also find creative bokeh kits online that offer fun shapes, such as hearts and stars. These can work with any wide-aperture lens.